
Online Banking

How do I sign up for FirstLink?

Please apply online through Online Banking or fill out the FirstLink Application. After you have read the FirstLink Disclosures, you may print out the Application and send it to us via:

Fax: 254-741-2212, or Mail: P. O. Box 21809, Waco, Texas, 76702-1809

Once we have processed your form, we will mail your temporary password to the address we have on file. You may then access FirstLink by using the First Central website,www.firstcentralcu.com. You will then enter your account number and your temporary password. You will immediately be prompted to change to a new password.

Once you have changed your password, you will be at the account summary screen and can make transfers, see account history, etc.

How Do I Sign up for Bill Pay?

In order to qualify for our FREE bill payer service, you must have a checking account at First Central. You will then need to establish a password and have access to your accounts online through FirstLink. After you have logged on to your account via FirstLink, click on the "bill payer" tab. You will then be prompted to enter your account choice and bill information in order to set up your payments. New members are eligible for bill pay service 60 days from account opening. 

Remember: This is a FREE service. You have the ability to set up a one time, or regularly recurring bill payment. It's as easy as that! See a demonstration of our bill payer service before logging onto your account. If you have any other questions about this service, please call 1-866-875-9233.

What is my FirstLink password?

Your FirstLink password is an alpha-numeric, case sensitive password. If, for some reason, you have forgotten your password, please contact a Member Services representative at 254-776-9333 immediately. We will then reset your password, allowing you to follow the previously mentioned procedures for establishing your own password.

I have forgotten my password. I'm now locked out of online banking. How do I gain access to my account again? 

If you have been locked out from online banking access, you will have to call and speak to a member service representative that will be able to assist you. Please verify the email address we have linked to your account so that you can recover the password on our "Forgot Password" option in the future.  

What is my account balance?

At First Central everything we do, we do for you. And that's why we offer free, convenient ways to bank! With our free online banking service, you can conduct your own transactions -- check your balance, make transfers, pay your bills, and more.  These completely secure services are available anytime, and you can access them anywhere with an internet connection. To register for online access, click here online banking & bill pay .

How can I transfer money out of my account to someone else?

Person to person (P2P) transfers are becoming more popular now a days. First Central offers some ways to accomplishing this.

Use our Bill Pay "Pay a Person" feature

You can send funds by email, direct deposit, or check to family or friends. Simply select your desired method through our Bill Pay. It’s free, secure and funds are paid within 1-2 business days on non-check transfers. Our Bill Pay is offered to all First Central members with a checking account and online banking access.

Link you First Central debit card to a digital wallet service like Apply Pay, Samsung Pay, and Google Pay

Using a digital wallet service is best if you send money to someone who has a debit card as their default payment method in their digital wallet. When you send money using your own debit card, the payment will usually appear in their debit card-linked bank account within minutes.

Wiring Funds

The traditional route to send funds is through a wire. First Central can wire domestically to anyone with a bank account in the United States for a $20.00 fee. Wired funds typically arrive within the same day. For us to send a wire you must set up an agreement prior to sending your first wire. After that is set you can send up to $3,000.00 without having to come in to a branch. Simply call and provide the recipient’s information. Our cut off time for an outgoing wire is at 4:00 PM Monday through Friday.  

ATM Access

Where is the nearest surcharge-free ATM?


First Central
9101 Chapel Road Waco, TX 76710


First Central
6201 Sanger Avenue Waco, TX 76710

What is the difference between an ATM card and a check (debit) card?

The ATM card looks like a credit card, but works like a check. Instead of using your charge cards, paying with cash, or writing checks, you can use your ATM card to make purchases or obtain cash withdrawals wherever credit cards are accepted around the world. Cash withdrawals through ATM cards are obtained through ATMs (Automated Teller Machines) and financial institutions worldwide.

Use the ATM locator to find free ATMs that service First Central Credit Union members.

For card activation & PIN management ATM / Debit / Credit cards call 1-800-290-7893 and follow the prompts on the automated system.

How can I reset the PIN on my ATM / Debit Card?

To reset an existing PIN number on an ATM or debit card you call our automated PIN selection system. Dial 1-800-290-7893, and follow the prompts. Once you've successfully set up your new PIN please allow up to 2 business days for your PIN change to take effect.

Membership/About us

Who is eligible to join First Central Credit Union?

Read our Membership Information page.

What are First Central's hours of operation?

See our Locations and Hours page.

Where is the Credit Union located?

See our Locations and Hours page.

What is the Credit Union's toll free number?

Our toll-free number is 800.780.7101

What is the Credit Union's routing number?

Our routing number is 311990045.

How can I become a member of First Central Credit Union?

Opening a share savings account with at least a $5 deposit establishes your official membership with First Central Credit Union. Membership gives you the right to a voice within the credit union, as well as access to all of our great products and services.

Convenience Services

How do I report a lost or stolen credit card?

Call Lost/Stolen: (888) 297-3416.

How do I change my address?

Fill out this change of address form.

What is my account balance?

At First Central, everything we do, we do for you. And that's why we offer free, convenient ways to bank! With our free online banking service, you can conduct your own transactions -- check your balance, make transfers, pay your bills, and more. These completely secure services are available anytime, and you can access them anywhere with an internet connection.  To register for online access, click here: online banking & bill pay

Does the Credit Union provide notary services?

Notary Services: $6.00 per page

$1.00 per additional signature

(If savings balance is below $200 and no other relationship exists, if other relationship is a checking account, must have 5 check or 5 debit card transactions to avoid fee)

How do I initiate a wire transfer to or from my account?

Fill out and submit the wire transfer agreement form.

Are you receiving  a wire? 

First Central has additional wiring instructions for incoming wires. Please provide the sender these following instructions to receive funds through a wire.

Send wire to: Catalyst Corporation Federal Credit Union; Plano, Texas; ABA# 311990511 

For credit to: First Central Credit Union; Acct. # 311990045

For final credit to: Your Name and Account Number  

I would like to set up direct deposit of my paycheck. What information do I need to provide to my payroll department?

Fill out and submit the direct deposit signup form. All you need to set up a direct deposit is your First Central account number as well as the routing number. Simple as that!

Does the Credit Union provide safe deposit boxes?

Safe deposit boxes are available at our Chapel Road, Hillsboro and Brownwood branches.

Annual rental fees are:

  • $17.50 for 3 x 5 box
  • $25.00 for 3 x 10 box
  • $35.00 for 5 x 10 box
  • $55.00 for 10 x 10 box
  • Key Deposit $20.00
  • Lost Key $10.00

Note: The contents of Safe Deposit Boxes are not insured by NCUA.

Why did my card decline? I have enough funds in my account. 

In most cases a declined card when funds are available is due to a security concern. Our fraud team will be notifying you via text or email of a potential concern. If you did not receive an alert please call First Central to bring your card trouble to our attention we can update your contact information for future alerts but most importantly we’ll clear any unnecessary blocks issued by our fraud team.

A card terminal didn't accept my chip and asked me to swipe

If this happened, chances are your transaction did not go through and you received a text alert about this. For your security we do not allow chip bypasses on your card. If a chip read is attempted but later changed to a swipe or keyed entry this will decline the purchase. This should not issue a permanent block on your card unless you respond back to the fraud alert. In most cases you can simply run the payment again but stick to only one form when using your card (Chip, Swipe, or Keyed Entry) and it’ll go through just fine. If you do not receive an alert and your card declines after a bad chip read, please call us to make sure your card isn’t blocked.  

I was charged an overdraft fee on my account. Can I have that waived? 

Our overdraft program comes with a fee reversal offer that any First Central member may request once a year. This means a no questions asked reversal on one overdraft fee charged to your account.

What if I have overdraft fees due to fraud or a merchant error?

We waive all overdraft fees that are a direct result of account fraud. If you have overdraft fees caused by a merchant error we would need proof that the merchant committed the error. This is usually proved by your account reflecting a refund in full issued by the merchant directly or a statement issued by the merchant if no funds were drafted. 

What if I've already received my courtesy for the year but I want to have more waived?

We understand that things happen but using overdraft is a privilege and it is optional. A manager may research your account further to find a solution but in most cases your overdraft privilege may be revoked if we are asked to waive fees outside of the courtesy fee reversal.

Loan Accounts

What are your current loan rates?

Check out our rates page.

How do I apply for a loan online?

Visit loans and credit to find the loan you want to apply for.

How can I get approved for a loan at First Central?

First Central can help you meet any need and make any dream a reality through our affordable loans. We promise a fast, convenient approval process, with pre-approvals available for auto purchases that give you extra buying power. Perhaps you're planning a wedding, taking a vacation, or needing to consolidate debt -- your credit union has you covered. Apply online here. Loans can be approved and conveniently funded via your electronic signature.

What happens after I apply?

Your loan will be processed within 24 hours and assigned to one of our friendly loan officers that will work with you to find the rates and flexible terms that best fit your needs and budget.

What if I have challenged credit?

First Central Credit Union has been awarded certification as a Community Development Financial Institution (CDFI) by the U. S. Department of the Treasury. As an official CDFI, we invest in our local communities and the residents who live there by providing critically needed financing often unavailable from main steam financial institutions. In other words, we have built a strong reputation for helping people when others have not. Apply with confidence and know that we will get you the best answer possible to change your situation -- be it financial education or lending.

Deposit Accounts

What are your current investment rates?

See our rates page.

What is the minimum balance required to avoid a monthly service charge in my checking account?

Different accounts have different requirements. See our checking accounts to find out details.

How do I order checks?

You can easily order your checks online.

How do I get a copy of a check I've written?

You may view images of checks through online banking.

Why are funds not showing available on my account?

Our goal is to make funds from your deposits available to you on the same day we receive your deposit. However, holds on funds may take place depending on the form of deposit.

Holds on check deposits 

If we accept a deposit by check, you will be informed if there will be a hold issued on the deposit. If you proceed with the transaction, an additional receipt will be provided outlining the hold details along with the availability date. If no hold is required, funds will be made available immediately following the deposit.

Why do you hold funds on a check deposit?

There are many factors that go into determining a check hold but ultimately our check hold procedures are in place to protect you. You are still responsible for checks you deposit or cash that are returned unpaid and for any other problems involving your deposit. If you do not agree with a hold you may ask for a manager review to see if the hold and/or hold time is necessary.

Where is my direct deposit?

If you have set up a direct deposit to come to your account here at First Central you can expect it to be applied as early as 7:30 am during a regular work day. In some cases members have the benefit of receiving their funds a day early as long as the funds have been sent early enough for us to process. We have three direct deposit windows throughout the day, Monday – Friday (excluding holidays). The first round of deposits are applied at 7:30 am, then at Noon and once more at 3:30 PM. If your direct deposit has still not been applied and it’s past our direct deposit window we recommend you contact the sender of those funds.

Remote deposit using you mobile app

If an electronic deposit is made using our mobile app there will be an initial hold issued on the item. This is a review hold, all remote deposits made by 3:30 PM Monday- Friday will be reviewed same day. After the review has been made the funds will either remain on hold for an extended period of time or funds will be made available.

My remote deposit was cancelled

If there are any discrepancies with your check such as, poor image quality, an invalid endorsement or if the check is made out someone that is not on the account the deposit will be canceled. You will be alerted by email with the reason if this happens. 


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